AGISD: First Grade Teacher Renewal Reversal
We have many complaints regarding a particular AGISD first grade teacher. Ms. Christy Taylor's lack of ethics, teaching and retaliatory actions have been observed first hand and reported. She denies students help when they feel threatened by other students. She allows Cheating on required reading tests. She morally breaks down students self esteem. She brings out her phone and texts during hours of instruction, Which is a direct violation of AGISD employee handbook page (19). There are 4 years of documented complaints that are overlooked by the board of trustees. The Principal is completely aware of them and so is the Superintendent. This teacher was recommended by the principal, April 11, 2011, for non-renewal based on performance. The School Board of trustees completely overlooked all complaints. Renewed her contract and she still remains. She had 6 children fail her class in 2010,2007-2008 schhol year she had 9 children fail the TAKS (3rd grade) ,which caused her demotion from 3rd grade to 1st grade. She has previously been placed on performance probabtion. Other teachers have been non-renewed for much less. Allowing her to stay is not only harming the future of our children, but setting a presidence that is not that of great leadership! Ms. Christy Taylor has directly violated these Standards of the Texas Teachers Code Of Ethics:
Title I. Professional Ethical Conduct, Practices and Performance
Standard 1.6. The educator shall not falsify records, or direct or coerce others to do so.
III. Ethical Conduct Toward Students.
Standard 3.2. The educator shall not knowingly treat a student in a manner that adversely affects the student’s learning, physical health, mental health or safety.
Standard 3.4. The educator shall not exclude a student from participation in a program, deny benefits to a student, or grant an advantage to a student on the basis of race, color, sex, disability, national origin, religion, or family status.
Standard 3.5. The educator shall not engage in physical mistreatment of a student
Violated School Disctrict Employee Handbook page 19
cell phone usage during instuctional times
THEREFORE: We, the undersigned, call on the Alba-Golden School Board of Trustees to reconsider the decision made on April 11, 2011, to renew a Ms. Taylor, AGISD first grade teacher. We are opposed to the decision allowing her to remain employed. Complaints have been made, documented and recognized yet not taken into consideration nor investigated thoroughly. Rules have been broken, rights have been violated, and Oaths have not been adhered to by this teacher or administration. We appeal the decision on renewing her contract.
Links this teacher claims she has 100% taks scores this link provides information regarding her last teaching year of 3rd grade.