No Low-Barrier Shelter in Eastside Olympia

Concerned Eastside Neighbors is a group of residents in Olympia’s Eastside Neighborhood who stand together in strong opposition to the placement of a low-barrier homeless shelter (the People’s House) in or adjacent to the neighborhood. The proposed shelter is considered “low-barrier” because it will have minimal rules for those seeking its services. Identification will not be required, which means that critical details regarding the individuals served — including sex offender status and violent criminal history — may remain unknown. Under proposed shelter rules, those under the influence will be accepted, but those in possession of weapons and drugs will be turned away — into our neighborhood. The low-barrier shelter is where we draw the line. To us, the low-barrier shelter translates to high risk for our families and neighbors. While we, as individuals, may hold differing opinions on whether a low-barrier shelter warrants a place in Olympia, we all agree that such a shelter does not belong in a residential area. This shelter does not belong in or near the Eastside Neighborhood. Please support our efforts and sign our petition which will be presented to Olympia City Council.