Petition Against ""
We are petitioning to get the website "" removed from the internet. There are a lot of websites out there promoting hate against different groups of people, but this website is openly promoting hatred of homosexuals in a way that is extremely public and hateful. The creators and contributors of this website picket funerals of deceased, homosexual U.S. Military soldiers. They post funeral locations in hopes of getting together as many people as possible for these "Love Crusades" as they call them (ironic, huh), and they arrive at said funerals with picket signs in tow reading such statements as "Pray for more dead kids", "Your sons are in hell", and "Thank God for dead soldiers." The creators of this site, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church, are promoting hate and are maliciously attacking innocent families who are simply trying to grieve, and honor someone they loved. No family should have to go through this ordeal at the funeral of someone who was dear to them. Imagine if it was your family member or close friend's funeral. This website is cruel and needs to be removed from the internet because its promotion of hate is disgusting and is negatively affecting innocent families who do not deserve this brutal treatment.