AGGIES Want a FAIR Election 2009 - 2010
PLEASE USE YOUR NCAT EMAIL ONLY TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT ~ On March 25, 2009 an election was held at North Carolina A&T State University. ~ There has been an overwhelming amount of confusion concerning the election results. ~ Aggie students want a fair election, we believe in A&T and the power of the students; it's not about Syene Jasmine or Julian Love it's about AGGIE PRIDE. ~ We want to hear the students voice unbiased and untainted so for that reason we support a re-election on Wednesday April 1, 2009 in the Memorial Student Union. ~ We, the students of North Carolina A&T State University, believe that this is the only peaceful resolution to the confusion that will suffice. PLEASE USE YOUR NCAT EMAIL ONLY TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT �Darkness can not drive out darkness � only light can do that, evil can not drive out evil � only good can do that.� As concerned students, moreover, as active members (as outlined in the constitution) of the Student Government Association by virtue of our enrollment to North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, we submit this recommendation to the 2009 Elections Committee. We have an overwhelming concern for the integrity of our university and student government elections process. In the particular case of the 2009 election for the 2009 � 2010 Student Government Association president the integrity of the process has been immensely compromised. Syene Jasmine, as of March 26, 2009 was disqualified from the election process. To the understanding of many, and according to the constitution, this was after the certification of his election victory. According to the campaign implementation/ procedures and protocols packet the Elections Committee has 96 hours to address any appeals made. However, according to the constitution, this process must take place prior to the closing of the polls. Due to the contradictory nature of these guidelines (North Carolina A&T State University handbook [constitution] versus the Elections Committee procedure and protocols packet) to favor one law would be to favor a candidate. Since the elections committee must be impartial, if staying in accordance with the letter of the law, no fair decision could be made (specifically pertaining to the appeal and disqualification). In addition to the above stated the letter of the law contradicts the very basis and foundation upon which Syene Jasmine was disqualified. Campaign by definition according to the Elections Committee Procedure and Protocols packet is to, �garner the votes for the purpose of an individual,� there is no letter of the law on which it can be proven if Syene Jasmine was in fact campaigning, considering that he did not mention any candidates in the body of the letter. Yet another important consideration, if Syene Jasmine is in fact disqualified there is no set of laws written to address the disqualification of a presidential elect. Julian Love did not win by 50 + 1 percent of the votes, by constitutional guidelines he is then, unable to be certified as the presidential elect. Lastly, in the North Carolina A&T State University elections process there is a level of integrity that is expected. This process has been exhausting for students, candidates, administration and the elections committee alike and at this point a just and fair consensus is all that can be hoped for. To hand the title of president to either candidate, at this point, would be biased. Neither has met the guidelines, outlined in the E.C. Procedure and Protocols packet, nor has either been given the opportunity to be elected in a fair and unbiased manner. Due to the overwhelming importance of the Student Government elections, regardless of the exhaust of any parties involved, it is our proposal that the elections be readministered during the runoff election, April 1, 2009. This is the only fair and just way to reconcile and rectify the confusion and chaos caused by the March 26, 2009 election. Only after having spoken with both candidates, releasing press concerning the forward movement and betterment of the proposed April 1, 2009 reelection and contacting all known affiliations with both candidates should this reelection commence. It is, as active members in the process, our duty and right to make sure that the process is used fairly. There is no reason why a fair conclusion cannot be reached. It is our sincere hope that this letter is not only considered, but more importantly, the above outlined plane is administered so that both candidates have an equal opportunity to be elected. PLEASE USE YOUR NCAT EMAIL ONLY TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT