Sarah David 0

Age Shouldn't Matter

68 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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68 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Age discrimination is a major problem in the United States.  Currently, anyone can get a job starting on average around thirteen years old. In doing this, they pay income taxes that come out of their paycheck. However, young workers do not get to vote! This is "Taxation Without Representation," and it was one of the reasons that America was created in the first place! Also, hiring practices are not fair. Younger workers cost less to hire, and sometimes they cheat older workers out of jobs. We want to make hiring practices fairer. 

In signing my name, I promise to bring awareness to age discrimination. I recognize that people are being discriminated against because of their age everyday and I will try to try my best to make sure this doesn't happen anymore. I will do this by informing others how serious this topic is, and how much it affects people's lives everyday.


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