Karly 0


22 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
22 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

I have personally noticed the lack of variety in American Girl dolls lately. Most of them are white, and it's very sad how there are only around four Asian Truly Me dolls to choose from.

Imagine the struggle of wanting a doll that looks like you, when barely any of them do.

I have also noticed the terrible Girl Of The Year selection. They're all white, or of white decent. Even the 2003 Girl Of The Year, Jess, had Irish ties, even when she was supposed to be Asian.

Many people agree that American Girl is being racist, while some believe the company just lacks variety. Whatever your reason, please sign this petition and give support to this humble cause. We only want a colored doll, how is that so hard?

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