War on Vivisection in Trinity College !
Clementina Cubberley 0

War on Vivisection in Trinity College !

25 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Clementina Cubberley 0 Comments
25 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Trinity College Dublin is supposedly a progressive institution . Yet behind the walls of the science laboratories , countless animals are tortured to death every year . Dogs, cats, rodents of all kinds and even horses are subjected to agonising and distressing experiments with insufficient anaesthetic. Many of them are specially bred for Trinity, doomed from birth to a life of misery, pain and fear . To name just one example of a hideous atrocity - Beagle dogs have their teeth removed so that dentistry students can practise techniques which could be learnt more reliably by other, human focused methods. Beagles are chosen because of their gentle, trusting natures - they wont retaliate , no matter what is done to them . Is this progress ??? It is just as disgusting to torture animals as it is to ill treat humans . To value their lives less than ours is speciesism - a crime . We are working to expose Trinitys shame , and have this concentration camp closed for good . We need your help . With every extra signature, we are that much closer to opening the cage doors !

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