Teresa Vu 0

Against "Pretty Amazing Contest" by Seventeen Magazine

28 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Teresa Vu 0 Comments
28 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

http://thatgirl-teresa.tumblr.com/post/17509053092/im-disgusted-im-disgusted-by-seventeen If you look at that link, You'll see what Seventeen magazine has to say. Seventeen magazine is hosting a contest for a "Real Girl" to be on the cover. The rules say they'll be judged 50% on appearance, 50% on passion. I find that disgusting. This is just a confidence killer. They're promoting the fact someone who isn’t “pretty” doesn’t have a chance at being a cover girl. They need to know so many girls have committed suicide because of being tormented of not being “pretty” enough, most being teenagers. Society wants beautiful? Then why is society so ugly? NO ONE GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO "VOTE" ON WHOSE PRETTY AND WHOSE NOT. No one deserves to feel disrespected like that. This petition is to show that if they want a REAL girl on the cover, then don't judge them on their appearance. I've also written an email to the editor/judge of the contest and I'm waiting for a response. So, sign this, and let's show seventeen if they want REAL, appearance isn't what needs to be judged.

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