Petition Against Oxbo Rd. Cut-thru in the Historic Mill Village, Roswell

The residents of the Historic Mill Village are in support of improving the intersection at Atlanta Street and Oxbo Road as it is recognized as one of the most dangerous in the County. But our neighborhood has specific concerns regarding the construction for a cut-thru road that is irrelevant to the safety improvements for that intersection, which will cause irreparable harm to the Historic character of the Mill Village neighborhood. The City's Transportation Dept. continues to deny the Mill Village residents due process for requests of a comprehensive traffic impact study that this new cut-thru street will have on our neighborhood.
The following are a short list of objections and potential impacts to the Historic Mill Village that have not been studied by the City:
- Negatively impact the historic character of the Mill Village by removing one of the few remaining City designated historic properties within the Roswell Historic District as it falls directly in the path of the project.
- Negative impacts from an increase in noise, vehicles speeding, and traffic being routed via Waze/Google Maps cutting through our residential neighborhood from Atlanta Street and Oxbo Road.
- Impose risks to families and children playing in the nearby Sloan Street Children's Park, along with pedestrians and bicyclists.
- Negatively impact the residential streetscape, historic fabric and property values within the Historic Mill Village neighborhood.
- Funds for this roadway connector could be better allocated to other prioritized needs of the community, such as bike lanes and/or an improved multi-purpose trail along Oxbo Road in support of the Roswell Loop initiative.
Considering all of the reasons stated above and that the prime mission of the City's Historic Overlay District is to safeguard the heritage of Roswell by preserving the City's historic buildings, streetscapes and neighborhoods, we are petitioning the City to remove this non-essential Cut-thru road from the Oxbo Road and Hwy. 9/Atlanta Street Intersection project.