Stop Deportation of Afghan Hindus & sikhs From Belgium

Dear responcible friend behalf of Afghan Hindu community live in Belgium we write you please help us to stop deportation of Afghan Hindus & sikhs from Belgium. Dear Madam, dear Sir, we kindly request you for your attention and some minutes of your precious time to read this appeal and save many innocent human lives. We are a small community of Hindus and Sikhs from Afghanistan. We had to leave our country, because in last decade it was almost impossible for our society to survive in this country. There we face a lot of problems, since most of the people do not recognize us as real inhabitants and try to torture us within the limits of all their available resources above all our inconceivability. We are discriminated in all sectors and are regularly forced from different groups or even individuals to convert to Islam. Our children can not visit a school due to the fact that they are abused from other schoolmates and even their teachers. Though theoretically and superficially some responsible authorities claim equal rights for all religions but it has never been put into the practice. Our appeals or complaints never reach the high authorities because the officers in the administration throw them in the dustbins even in our presence with violence and offence. All our possessions are taken away. Even our single crematorium in Kabul, where we could burn the died bodies in accordance to the Hindu and Sikh religion was snatched away and no action was taken by the Afghan authorities. For these and many other similar reasons, some of us are asylum seekers in Belgium. Unfortunately their asylum appeal is rejected and they are going to be deport to Afghanistan, where a survival even in short terms will not be possible. Recently we demonstrated in Germany during a visit of the President of Afghanistan, but he or any of his representative did not notice us at all. We are a relatively very small community and that is why we can not organise big demonstration and therefore we are not taken seriously for our problems. You are our last hope. Please save the lives of our Hindus and Sikhs families living in Belgium and stop this deportation. Many cordially thanks for your support! Your faithfully, in behalf of all asylum seekers of Afghan Hindus- and Sikhs community living in Belgium,
Ramnath Talwar
President of Sanatan Mander Hindu Tempel vzw