Affordable Water for all Bayonne Residents

The below articles are just the most recent water rate hikes that our City has seen in the past 2 years. That adds up to a whooping 13% increase to your water and waste utility bill within a 24 month span. Not to mention last years increase amounted to a 4 percent rise during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Water is a basic human right that all incomes deserve access to, especially during a health crisis, where cleanliness can prevent the spread of disease. We know that communities who are disproportionately effected by COVID-19, are also the least able to afford these rising water rates. We need our Mayor and City Council to reconsider and provide relief from this 40 year sell out. In 2018 Mayor Davis ran on a platform of love for the City of Bayonne. We the residents truly love this city. We are the ones who live, work, and dine within the city everyday. If water rates continue to rise the Bars, Restaurants, Spas, Beauty Salons, and Small businesses that define our great community will change. Raising water prices on these businesses will cause them to in turn raise prices on the goods and services they provide. Before long, this cycle will price out the average Bayonne resident from enjoying the city they call home. You deserve better, our community deserves better. Tell Mayor Davis to end the Suez contract now.
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