Aerial Spraying Must Stop! We are outraged and opposed to Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) biochemical aerial spray operation, it cannot be allowed.Petition to Elected Officials and Bureaucratic Agencies * An immediate action must be made to stop all biochemical aerial pesticide spraying for the LBAM until extensive long- term studies have been thoroughly conducted involving the human condition responses to this biochemical pesticide. * LBAM has caused virtually no crop damage. The damage incurred is to growers from overbearing restrictions and quarantines by State and Federal agencies. * Biochemical aerial spray is a pesticide by the EPA\'s own definition. ( will be sprayed up to every 30 days several times a year for 2 life cycles past the very last moth found and the pesticide will linger in the air for at least 30 days. * This biochemical has not passed normal safety testing. * We believe that the breathing of air as an inalienable right and can not be altered, contaminated or used for special interest groups, organizations, corporations, State or Federal agencies. * Under no circumstances are the people to be forced, intimated or manipulated to be have their persons or property sprayed with anything at anytime for any reason. * We understand that individuals may and can individually request to have their property spray. However, we are opposed to the forced spraying of anything on any one, or on any private property unrequested by property owner. * We call on all elected officials and bureaucratic agencies to stop all aerial spraying. * Immediate action must be taken to stop all aerial spraying over our bodies, homes and on our property. * By signing this petition of support I am also allowing the creators of this petition to give me periodic up dates on this important issue.