Request for immediate release of Eric Matinenga
Tafadzwa Matinenga 0

Request for immediate release of Eric Matinenga

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We, the citizens of Zimbabwe petition the African Heads of Government, United Nations and other heads of government to intervene in the continuos violence and unfair justice sytsem that has plagued the government of Zimbabwe. Several members belonging to opposition parties have been arrested, mamed, killed, abducted or tortured in Zimbabwe. Of special concern is Advoccate Eric Matinenga. Advocate Matinenga (56) started studying law after he had gone home to Murambinda and saw how his father had been battling with the unfair tax laws that had been enacted when his father was still alive. Infact, he had been accepted for economics at the University of Zimbabwe but after seeing this disparity and injustice he went back and changed his major to law. He has since worked with various organizations including the Msasa Project which works at protecting women\'s rights especially those in domestic violence as well as being one of Zimbabwe\'s top human rights lawyers. He worked in the government sector for many years before moving to the private sector as Advocate. In government he quickly rose to ranks where he was promoted from magistrate to being president of the administrative court. He was also responsible for the change in the now new water bill. He has also been a lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe and has served on numerous boards and organizations including representing the Zimbabwe Advocate sector. His intention was not political per say but as events started to unfold the people of his home town, Buhera, asked him to stand for them as MP as they saw in him a man of integrity, strength, truth and someone who could be able to serve them and their needs. As MP for Buhera West, he was looking forward to rebuilding the infrastructure in Buhera and especially improving the road, hospital and school system. Together with Miriam Matinenga, they had started on a gardening project and had got some doctors to volunteer at the hospital. As a family we are distraught at what is happening and the current events in Zimbabwe. Not only are we concerned about the future of our father we are also concerned at the lives of children who have had their parents abducted, killed, imprisoned or displaced due to these elections. It should not be murderous that a person decides to believe in a different political party. I believe that is what they call freedom of association and speech. I would like to reiterate that the allegations that have been brought against my father are false allegations, allegations which the judge has dismissed but the Zimbabwean police decide to disregard the judges court orders by rearresting him and keeping him detained in contempt of court. Advocate Eric Matinenga has been a human rights lawyer for countless of people and a proponent of justice to all in Zimbabweans irregardless of which background a person comes from and which political party one belongs to. Indeed it is ironic that the police decided to take him simply because he was insisting on seeing his clients who had been detained, and like him, were also being denied their basic constitutional human right to representation, access to court and the justice system and for the successful high court order barring the army from the rural areas. His stance has always been on standing for what the truth is. We are proud of our father and continue to believe and support him in his cause despite the unfortunate events and ask for his immediate release and safety. I ask you to join me in signing this petition as we stand together for a better tomorrow for Zimbabwe.


Tafadzwa, Farai, Takudzwa Matinenga

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