Additional Bus Stops Needed in Applewood

Greetings fellow neighbors,
It is time we take a stand and demand more and safer bus stops in our neighborhood for our children. Please sign the attached petition as a request for additional bus stops throughout our neighborhood (one on each street).
I understand transportation is a privilege. However, we as tax payers should have a safe place for our children to wait for the school bus. For those of you not aware, there are now more than 40 children assigned to one stop.
I have already contacted the bus administration and they pretty much laughed it off and moved the bus stop one house further away from the intersection. Why is it okay to have 2 bus stops on one street and none available on any neighboring streets? This is not as much of an issue when the weather is warm and the children can get away from the road. But now that we are dealing with inclement weather and potential snow accumulation there are upwards of 10 vehicles parked along both sides of W Imperial, leaving little space for the children to wait and very narrow passage way.
Furthermore, the bus driver could avoid making the dangerous left hand turn off of Route 34 by creating an additional stop at E Imperial and Mcintosh and exiting out of the back of our neighborhood. I was told exiting out the back of our neighborhood was not an option because the streets are not finished and would not be maintained in the event we have snow. Can anyone tell me how many accidents there have been at the intersection of 34 and Aspers Bendersville Rd? Why put our children at risk for a bogus reason because we all know that even though the roads are not “finished” they will be maintained because our homes are built there.
How aware do you really think the transportation administration is of the risks to our children that are the result of the current bus stop configuration?
Please sign the petition. Let’s come together as a neighborhood and community in efforts to keep all our kids safe.