Add Pride Flags to The Hallway of Flags
As you know all of the schools have flags of countries representing the nationalities of students. In these places, I've wondered why there isn't a pride flag. After all, it may not be a nationality but it is important to show support for the LGBTQ+ community. As people get older they start to explore their sexuality and gender. But some people feel that they wouldn't be accepted by there family or friends. Adding this flag will make it so students will know that they'll always have students and teachers that will help, comfort, and accept them. I know that it is a hard and important thing to come out, luckily I have very accepting friends and family. Some people don't and again it is very important to know that there are always people there for you. This will also show students who are transitioning or don't identify with their birth gender that they can tell students and teachers their real name and correct pronouns. This will help many LGBTQ+ students know that they are accepted and it would help the entire district.