New Athletic Department Leadership
February 5, 2006 Mr. Larry Templeton, Director of Athletics John Bryan Athletic Administration Building P.O. Box 5327 Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762-5509 Dear Mr. Templeton: For over 3 decades, you have served your alma mater in various capacities and have contributed to the growth of our university. You have been recognized and rewarded for numerous successes in the service of your alma mater, but the time has come to look at the future of Mississippi State University athletics. The leadership and direction that you have provided as the MSU Director of Athletics for the last 19 years seems unlikely, based on recent developments and the current state of affairs, to meet the needs of the university in the coming years. Therefore, it is incumbent upon you to pass the torch to someone willing to move Mississippi State University back into the Southeastern Conference with respect to both fundraising and on-field results. New ideas, born of a fresh understanding of what can be and what will be, need to be in place to meet the challenges that lie ahead in the 21st century. If goals & timelines are made clear to the entire MSU family (faculty, staff, students, alumni, friends and other supporters), this university can once again move forward. Otherwise, many of us feel that we will continue to plummet in this downward spiral that we have been locked in over the last 4 to 5 years. We, the undersigned, implore you to look objectively at what is best for your alma mater, and do what is right. By announcing your retirement plans now, the new president of our great university will have an opportunity to set the course for the future in the early stages of his or her administration. Your retirement will not only allow MSU