actors & crew demanding recognition
Roger Dray 0

actors & crew demanding recognition

Roger Dray 0 Comments
35 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Directed to the Management of the JMC academy.

We the actors & crew whose names are listed below participate in this petition to implore the Management of JMC academy to direct its students to share work and recognise the efforts of the mostly, volunteer actors that contribute to the curriculum by giving their time for free in order to help students make films.
Actors are currently discussing black-banning JMC in response to some extremely poor treatment that, anecdotally, seems to be rife across JMC campuses.
In particular we request one change to your marking or grading process. As a prerequisite for grading completed work, we ask that the student must give an undertaking that all volunteers, either side of the camera, that assisted on the project has been supplied with a copy of his/her work.
If this assurance isn't given or cannot be substantiated the project will not be marked or graded.
We are tired of giving days of our time only to be ignored.

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