The Declaration of Independence from Coal and Oil

In Congress, July 4th, 2008. The Unanimous Declaration of the youth of the United States of America of Independence from Coal and Oil. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for the people to rid themselves of an energy system that has been found to threaten lives and liberties, it is only decent that they should declare the causes of separation from the usage of Coal and Oil. We, the youth of these United States, know that some truths are obvious: that all people are created Equal, no matter how small, and that they have certain Rights that cannot be taken away from them: especially the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Because of the over-use of coal and oil, our earth has been pushed out of balance and suffers from Global Warming. The effects of that warming include extreme weather shifts and disasters, melting ice glaciers, global sea level rise, and reduced habitat, food and water supply. These problems put the children of this and every nation and the children's children and thousands of entire species of animals and plants in danger of losing their rights to Life, Freedom, and Happiness. So, when the use of fossil fuels have been shown to cause global climate change which threatens the lives and liberties of all creatures who will be living on this planet 50-100 years from now, it's time for those most affected to stand up and demand change. We, the youth, call for change from our city, from our state, and from our nation. And we commit to change ourselves. We, therefore, the kids and youth of the United States of America, do, in the Name, and by Authority of good People of this Country, solemnly publish and declare, that we, as a whole Community, ought to be Free and Independent from the lifestyles of support an Oil Empire. We implore our parents and the adults who have positions of power to support the building of a Sustainable Future, powered by Renewable and Community-based technologies, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent People may of right do to build a more Democratic Society. And for the support of this Declaration, we mutually pledge to each other our Commitment, our Passion and our sacred Struggle for Equality and Freedom.