Accessible Parking Versus Handicapped Parking

This petition is being started to change the current laws concerning handicapped parking. As the average life span of people gets higher, the number of people requiring handicapped parking increases as well. But not all of these people require extra space to access their vehicles. When a person puts in a request for a handicapped placard, or license plate, they do so with the written consent of a doctor. However there is no difference between a person using special equipment, and a person that only needs to park closer to the entrance of a business, or establishment. The current handicap parking laws require a change to differentiate between Accessible Parking, and Handicapped Parking. Accessible Parking would be the current spaces that have aisles next to them allowing the extra space for those using special medical equipment, such as wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, vehicles with adaptive equipment, and the like. Handicap Parking would supplement the current Accessible Parking but not require any additional space for entering or leaving a vehicle. Handicap Parking would have signage marking it as such, and would have its own separate placard, or license plate. These spaces would exist along side the current Accessible Parking spaces, and be just as close to the entrances of buildings, and establishments. The number of spaces required for Handicap Parking would mirror the current laws for Accessible Parking. And, all special parking placards, and licenses are required to be reissued every so many years, at such time the persons needs can be assessed, and the appropriate placard, or license can be issued, being either Accessible Parking or Handicapped Parking.