Abolish Senior Project

Senior year is supposed to be the last year teenagers have to enjoy their freedom as kids before being forced into the pressures of adulthood. Despite this, every year, thousands of seniors in the SCUSD district are being forced to complete a senior project against their will. This petition is being created as a forum for students, parents, teachers, and really anyone opposed to senior project to voice their disapproval for senior project. As it is now, senior project in SCUSD is a direction-lacking time-sink. The majority of students, as well as a surprising number of parents and teachers, polled prior to the creation of this petition expressed concern about this, as senior project severely cramps the time students have to play sports, work, or even just sit around being care-free as they should be able to. By reaching senior year in high school, you have proven that you are a capable individual, and should be allowed more freedom than members of other classes. Yet, despite all logic, seniors are given senior project ON TOP OF their schoolwork, effectively crippling their free time. If you are for the abolishment, or at least thorough redesign, of senior project, please sign this petition. Please e-mail correspondence to: mail@abolishseniorproject.com