Voice your disapproval for our archaic, twice a year "Time Change"
The United States has a 24x7 economy. The supposed "Energy Savings" from changing our clocks twice a year has been proven to be a farce. Businesses spend millions of dollars each year dealing with issues caused by hours disappearing and reappearing. So why do we continue to participate in this archaic practice of changing our clocks? If you think it's as ridiculous as I do, sign my petition! I'll be sending the results of this petition to my Congressman. It's going to take all of us contacting our Representatives to finally do away with this silliness, but my hope is that the shear numbers seen on this petition, shared with all of our Representatives, might give some much needed traction to the movement to do away with "Time Change". (Also, please note that I'm not advocating keeping Daylight Saving Time year around over keeping Standard Time. I don't care which we wind up with--I'm just tired of dealing with this twice a year change!)