Stephen Oggelsby 0

Abolish the BBC TV licence fee

78 signers. Add your name now!
Stephen Oggelsby 0 Comments
78 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

A Petition To The Government To Abolish The BBC Licence Fee: We are no longer prepared to pay the BBC Licence Fee of 139.50GBP a year. Times are hard but the BBC do not appear to have noticed this, judging by the way they continue to spray our money over their executives and overpaid presenters. Many of us prefer to watch other channels anyway so why should we pay for something we do not watch. Sky do not expect those who do not watch their programmes to pay for them. Why should the BBC If the BBC think that they can attract viewers then let them have a subscription service and let them live on the proceeds instead of on we licence payers. The BBC have increasingly entered the commercial world by competing with commercial companies, using the licence payers money. So let us see if they can survive by going the whole hog and living by pay-to-view. Public service TV broadcasting of high quality could possibly be provided out of general taxation on a very much slimmed down basis and very strictly regulated to avoid any political bias or competition with what is provided elsewhere. A modest radio fee could also be charged for that service if required. These latter points are matters to be decided later but, in the interim, to concentrate your minds we, the undersigned, give notice that we will not pay any further general TV licence fee at the present level:


This petition has been created by The Laughing Cavaliers:
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