Abolish the use of Electronic Voting Systems in Washington County Utah

The following citizens of Washington County Utah hereby petition the Washington County Commissioners in accordance with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article 1, Section 1 of the Utah State Constitution. We petition the commission to abolish the use of Electronic Voting Systems and Automatic Tabulating Systems as defined in Utah Code Title 20A-1-102(2) and Utah Code Title 20A-1-102(72) for the use in Washington County Elections. Under the authority of Utah Code Title 20A-5-302(1).
Citizenry reasons for removing Electronic Voting Systems and Automatic Tabulating Systems in Washington County include but are not limited to.
- Failure of the machine to produce a record of accuracy in counting to the voter.
- No provision in Utah Code Title 20A-5-803 from foreign countries that may be harmful to the State. To restrict their components, use, or installation in either the hardware or software of the devices in question.
- No provision in Utah Code Title 20A-5-803(1) for the device to have no means of wireless or secured internet access.
- Security of the Electronic Voting Systems is solely the responsibility of the Lieutenant Governor and County Clerk who may or may not be qualified in that area of expertise.
- Public sentiment surrounding Electronic Voting Systems in our County.
The following citizens of Washington County Utah ask that these grievances be addressed no later than January 1, 2024.