Abolish Abortion to Save Lives

To whom it may concern,
As a Christian citizen I strongly believe that the practice and allowance of abortion is a sin against ourselves, the infants, and above all God. This country was founded on Christian morals and beliefs. I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that we have thrived ever since. Unfortunately, this country is taking a turn towards the worst. I worry every day about the lack of faith, trust, love, and self sacrifice in our world. People’s morals and ethics have been deteriorating over the years. It is to be expected as we are human and our selfishness and greed is our own worst enemy.
It has been a law that man slaughter is forbidden since the beginning. Our prisoners, the very people killing and hurting us are protected from death and torture. While our innocent babies the gifts from God, our future generations are forced to suffer and die. Even though they are blameless and pure. The fact that the can’t talk or walk doesn’t make them any less human. Even our animals have more rights than our human babies.
I am aware that abortion makes things easier, and because we are selfish we often choose the easy way out. But in doing so we are rejecting Gods gifts to us, the rights we have fought for, and the morals we justify our decisions with. Abortion is man slaughter. It Is A CRIME to murder and that is exactly what we are doing. Even while we are killing the innocent we are torturing them. The way we end these infants lives is horrendous and barbaric. We cut them to pieces inside or outside the mother’s belly. They are living breathing humans who feel the pain along with confusion and fear. The mothers have circumstances of course, but that doesn’t make committing a crime right. It is not always the mothers fault they are pregnant, but they get to choose to do the right thing. Even if that is placing them in foster care or place them for adoption. There are many negatives to the system, but they at least have the chance of a happy life. The mothers if allowed to commit this sin will most likely regret it for the rest of their lives. This life ending decision can not be undone and will change the mother’s life forever. I speak from the experience of watching the people I love struggle with the guilt they can never lift.
Please help me with making this horrendous crime illegal. It is sure to benefit the mothers and family of the people in these situations. Perhaps we can provide allowance to rape victims that get pregnant so they can better provide for their new family. We could provide lessons in college and high school on how to remain safe( to lesson the chance of rape), how to raise children, how to deal with debt and financial issues, how to have safe intimacy, but more importantly why to wait till marriage to be intimate. I hope you join me in helping to stop the flow of corruption in our beloved country.
From a very concerned 14 year old