Stop facilitating Nestlé /SMA from seeking direct/indirect contact with pregnant women & mothers of infants & young children!
From: International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) Ireland
Date: March 2015
To: Huggy Bloom Enterprises Ltd
IBFAN Ireland call upon Huggy Bloom Enterprises Ltd to remove the SMA Know-How title sponsor from the Republic of Ireland's Pregnancy and Baby Fairs and to support and abide by the World Health Organisations International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent relevant World Health Assembly Resolutions.
IBFAN Ireland call upon Exhibitors (including Health Care Professionals) to consider the WHO Code and subsequent relevant WHA Resolutions when choosing to align themselves with this non Code compliant event.
Background information:
The SMA Know-How sponsored Pregnancy and Baby Fair first took place in 2010 at the RDS, Dublin. Individuals expressed their concerns re Code compliance to both Huggy Bloom and the FSAI. Five years on, and nothing has changed, apart from the fact that the Belfast event in March was unbranded. So why abide by the Code in Northern Ireland, but not for the Republic of Ireland events? Health Care Professionals and other exhibitors may have refused to align themselves with a non Code compliant event. Or perhaps we just haven't been making enough noise down here?
SMA Know-How is the title sponsor. SMA will most likely, once again, have a huge presence at the events, providing goodie bags with branded materials and representatives at hand to provide 'advice' and 'information' to expectant and new parents. A perfect opportunity to build brand loyalty. Marketing works and parents pay the price. Breastfeeding is undermined and the cost of formula increases to pay for the expensive advertising.
The SMA Know-How Pregnancy and Baby Fair targets expectant and new parents. Article 5.5 of the World Health Organisation's International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes states; “Marketing personnel, in their business capacity, should not seek direct or indirect contact of any kind with pregnant women or with mothers of infants and young children.” and Article 5.1 states: “There should be no advertising or other form of promotion to the general public of products within the scope of this Code.”
Link to Website;
Who are we?
IBFAN Ireland are part of the global International Baby Food Action Network and work alongside the Baby Feeding Law Group Ireland (BFLGI). IBFAN Ireland and BFLG Ireland are working to strengthen the Irish Government’s commitment to the World Health Organisation’s International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent World Health Assembly Resolutions and related international agreements.
IBFAN Ireland believe:
- Women have the right to accurate information free of commercial influence and vested interest regarding infant formula and bottlefeeding if not breastfeeding.
- Women have the right to breastfeed and to make fully informed decisions about infant and young child feeding.
- All people have the right to access quality health care services and information free of commercial influence.
- Health workers and consumers have the right to be protected from commercial influence which may distort their judgement and decisions.
- People have the right to advocate for change which protects, promotes and supports basic health, in international solidarity.
Please sign our petition and feel free to leave a comment if you agree with the above.
Thank you for your support ~ IBFAN Ireland