Restore Abbeymoore's late license

the undersigned,
petition to Mendip District Council and the Licensing Authorities;
to restore the license late license of Abbeymoore Stadium, Glastonbury, with the following in consideration:
• Abbeymoore contributes greatly to the community not only by donating to and supporting our town football club, but also by allowing people to run their own nights there.
This has many benefits:
1. People have something to focus on and be involved in, from the organisers to the attendees and everyone involved between.
2. Theses events are somewhere where local performers get a chance to build their skills and gain some exposure, giving them a platform to develop their passion.
3. There is a great deal of employment involved in the nights held there, not just bar staff, security and management, but also the employment that event organisers are able to offer.
The above have huge beneficial implications, especially as we are in an uncertain time of mass unemployment.There is such a variety of events held there and such diversity is a real benefit to the town, Glastonbury is known for globally for events and diversity!
Due to the fact that the nights there are independently run there is such a lot of people affected by this decision, right across the community. The fact remains that Glastonbury has no late night music venue. Neighboring towns, Wells and Street have Kudos and Envy, with just as many, if not more problems around anti-social behavior.
We ask that you restore the late license of Abbeymoore Stadium, Godney Road, Glastonbury, in light of massive public support.
We need our venue!