Abandoned women and children of the United States

For many years the state of Florida hid dead beat parents. They were allowed sanctions against child support. The state refused to extradite these parents. I had to raise my 3 children on my own while my x went on to remarry and hav 3 more children. He is now on his 4th wife and supports her 3 children. My children are grown and i never got any help from him. We need a law or act that will allow the abandoned women and children, no matter what their age is, to collect the child support that the absent parent hid from. Please help me be the voice of the abandoned and forgotton woman and children that the mighty United States failed. This is a country that was suppose to be united, where was this great nation when we went hungry and homeless, while the dead beats went on without helping their children that they helped to create. Thanks to all that stand with me to be the voice to make a change. My goal is 1 million signatures.