Interventional Pain/Spine Concerns Regarding The Academy's Less Than Fully Inclusive Call to Action

Dear Mr. Stautzenbach: Over the past week, we, the undersigned, have received the Academy's Call to Action on two occasions. Both times, we have been frustrated to note that the Academy's primary concerns are 1) rehabilitative and habilitative services, as well as 2) durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies to serve the functional needs of people with disabilities and chronic conditions, 3) post-acute rehabilitative care, 4) outpatient therapy caps, and 5) benefits for people with severe disabilities and chronic conditions. Glaringly omitted are any reference to interventional pain management/spine procedures, despite these representing a large component of what the Academy's membership does on a daily basis. The Academy seems perfectly willing to accept our dues, and pay lip service to our issues, but when push comes to shove, the organization ignores the concerns of a large segment of its membership. If our issues aren't at least worth a mention in the Call to Action, it makes us wonder why we, or any of our interventional physiatric colleagues, should remain dues paying members of an Academy that can not be bothered representing our interests.