我唔要係廁所瞓 / A Toilet Is Not a Place to Sleep
Doris Lee 0

我唔要係廁所瞓 / A Toilet Is Not a Place to Sleep

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我們相信李女士的作法,違反了從海外地區聘用家庭傭工的僱傭合約。我們要求 貴署核實,李家提供的住宿條件,是否合乎僱傭合約中要求「為傭工提供合適及有合理私隱的住宿地方」一項。雖然李女士或會辯稱那並非家傭的睡牀,但政府有責任查明真相。
入境處的「從香港以外地區聘用家庭傭工的僱傭合約」(ID407) 列明:


移民聯盟(2011)的數據顯示,該聯盟2,023名成員中,67%沒 有自己的房間,大部份需要跟兒童或年長的家庭成員同睡一房。有的要睡在客廳、有的在廚房、洗衣房,缺乏空間儲存私人物品。她們是香港的工人,香港的女工, 她們的安全極度需要保障。假如她們沒有合適的居住環境、沒有私隠、對工作條件毫無控制權,這是我們一手造成的。我們日以繼夜、年復一年地漠視和侵犯了她們 的權利。

行動起來﹗ 不要等僱主大發善心。香港政府必須採取行動,保障工人及還她們合適居住環境的權利,以作為聘用條件的前提。


我們希望外傭不必再忍受如此屈辱的情況,這絶對是香港的恥辱。此等非人道的居住條件 對人性的侵犯是很嚴重的。我們期待 貴署立即回覆及採取行動。

Dear Immigration/Labour Department,

Recently in the news, we found that a famous singer, Miss Purple Lee, showed photos of her domestic worker accommodation – it was built above a toilet.(Refer to: http://news.hkheadline.com/dailynews/headline_news_detail_columnist.asp?id=196270)

Violation of ‘suitable accommodation’ requirement in DH Employment Contract?
We believe this is a violation of the standard employment contract for domestic helpers from abroad. Please confirm whether the Immigration and Labour Department consider it ‘suitable’ accommodation or not. (to be added?) Although the singer may claim that it is not the domestic workers' bed, the Government should check whether this claim is true or not.

In the standard contract from the Immigration Department (ID 407) it says:
The Employer should provide the Helper suitable accommodation and with reasons privacy. Examples of unsuitable accommodation are: The Helper having to sleep on made-do beds in the corridor with little privacy and sharing a room with an adult/teenager of the opposite sex.

The estimated size of the room and the exact sleeping arrangement are supposed to be specified. But once the worker has arrived, she has no power to complain or she may be terminated.

Sleeping in the toilet, in the study room, in a bathtub, on a kitchen floor…. These are conditions that many domestic workers must live in, or else risk being terminated. This is a shameful reality in Hong Kong.
The Government, which allows the workers to legally immigrate, is completely responsible for ensuring the workers’ safety while here.
No monitoring?
Yet we have learned there is NO mechanism for monitoring and inspection offered by the Hong Kong government. In phone conversations, the Immigration Department and the Labour Department have admitted that they have no record regarding the number of complaints received about improper accommodation.

The Immigration Department does not show any investment into the inspection and monitoring regarding the living environment of foreign domestic workers.

According to the audit review written by the Audit Commission in March 2011, there is no evidence of any inspection action carried out by the Immigration Department.

Also, according to Mission for Migrant Workers (2011), 67% of the 2,023 clients served by the Mission did not have their own room, often sharing with children or elderly family members. Sometimes they sleep out in the living room or in other places like the pantry or laundry room, and lack places to keep their things. They are Hong Kong workers, and they are Hong Kong female workers – they very much need the protection of their safety while at work. If they cannot sleep in decent conditions, have no privacy, no oversight at all of their work conditions, then it is our responsibility as Hong Kong people that violations of their rights happen over and over again, year after year.

IT MUST STOP – don’t wait for employers to ‘be good’ even while the Government does not monitor. The Government must take strong action to protect the workers and give them decent accommodation as a pre-condition of employment.

We feel very disappointed that in Hong Kong, even a famous singer feels no shame about providing such a horrible place for their domestic worker to sleep, even when the home size is 1,800 square feet.

This attitude about the housing of the domestic workers is due to lack of Government enforcement.

The Government should ensure that employers provide decent housing and make sure to check that it is suitable for the workers before they arrive and are unable to complain.
The Government must take concrete and firm measures to ensure that domestic workers sleeping above a toilet or on the floor does not happen in ANY home in Hong Kong.

We hope we never see such shameful conditions for domestic workers ever again. It is a shame to Hong Kong.These inhumane accommodations are a serious violation against human beings and we expect your immediate reply and action.


家.傭同行 Open Door 新婦女協進會 Association for the Advancement of Feminism 民間人權陣線 Civil Human Rights Front



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