A Declaration of Student Action
Whereas, the problems in our country have become so great that Our circumstance requires us to make tough decisions regarding the future; and Whereas, Our economic, political, and cultural systems have produced the current troubles We face; and Whereas, the inequality and dehumanization produced by Our system has become too great to ignore; and Whereas, Our current choices are leading to tremendous strife around the world; and Whereas, the ruling generations have shown an unwillingness and/or an inability to reconcile their ideology with the reality of Our current circumstance; and Whereas, historically societies have relied on the university and the youth for the innovative thinking that leads to progression ; and Whereas, Our generation is unique in Our access to information and acute awareness of the differing cultures and perspectives that shade this complex world; and Whereas, college students in America are among the most privileged peoples in history having more freedom than any of Our human ancestors could have ever imagined. We assert that Our privilege confers upon us a moral obligation to the whole of humanity. Our generation must accept the responsibility for producing the ideas and modeling the behavior that will lead to a more perfect union and will propel our nation, this world, and the human race in a more positive direction. In accordance with this fact, We Resolve to pursue the following course of action: First, We will choose a weekend in the Spring at our respective schools to model our ideal version of what a university and more importantly education should look like, in recognition of the misguided profit-driven nature and subsequent marginalization of these institutions. Additionally, we will use this as an opportunity to engage our peers in an open dialogue about the future of our nation Next, We will convene a regional conference in the Summer to create a regional system of cooperation between colleges and universities in a given area and to form a regional consensus about values, principles, and policy proposals to be discussed at a national assembly of students. Finally, In the Fall we will convene an assembly of students and allies in Boston, to deliberate about the future of our nation, to formulate a 21st Century American Social Contract, a Global Social Contract, and make specific policy recommendations.