A Statement of Support for True Father, Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Dear brothers and sisters,
We have written this affirmation statement in response to the gradual, but deliberate diminution and reinterpretation of the identity, mission, spiritual status, and accomplishments of Sun Myung Moon since his ascension to the spirit world. While more could be said, we feel that these five statements are essential to accurately honor and uphold the identity and legacy of Sun Myung Moon as the True Father of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. I want to emphasize that this petition is not a forum for disparaging remarks against Mrs. Moon or any members of the Moon Family, nor it is for the promotion of any particular group. Please keep your comments in line with the primary purpose of this petition - to reaffirm the identity, mission, spiritual status, and accomplishments of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Individuals that seek to promote their own group through their comments will have their comments deleted.
- We affirm that Sun Myung Moon, at the age of fifteen, encountered Jesus Christ on Easter morning after a long night of prayer. Through this encounter he received God’s call and anointing to carry out the mission of the Second Coming of Christ. From that moment on, he lived his life in communion with God, Jesus, and the great saints of the past discovering the Will and Heart of God which he recorded through the Divine Principle and his countless sermons.
- We affirm that in the course of a life dedicated to the fulfillment of the mission of the Second Coming of Christ, Sun Myung Moon walked a torturous path of unparalleled sacrifice for our salvation.
- We affirm that Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han established the position of True Parents through the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in 1960, thus beginning the fulfillment of the goal of creation God intended for Adam and Eve. They then gave birth to children of God’s lineage for the first time in human history and built a worldwide movement pursuing the accomplishment of God’s Will.
- We affirm that throughout his life, Sun Myung Moon strove to unify the religious world with his vision for God-centered families and implored others to join him in opposition to atheistic Communism. True Father risked his life to unify the democratic world with the knowledge that our rights and privileges originate in God, and that His Kingdom honors and protects these God-given rights.
- We affirm that as the returning Christ, True Father’s words and teachings are both sacred and holy. As such, all audio, video, and written records must be preserved in their original content and made available as educational resources in perpetuity. In particular, the Eight Great Textbooks and Teaching Materials, that True Father compiled and presented as the essential Words of God received over his lifetime, must be regarded as the primary teachings of the Unification Movement, never to be replaced.
If you agree with these affirmations, please sign your name to document your support. You may also leave a brief comment.