Sammy Allouba 0

A Sequel to Dredd 3D

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DNA Films, Lionsgate, Reliance Entertainment,

This petition is in regards to a potential sequel to 2012's Dredd 3D. While we, the fans, understand the film wasn't quite the huge box office draw you were hoping for, we believe a sequel can still work for two reasons.

The first is that in a recent interview with, Karl Urban was quoted as saying, 

“Interestingly enough, I did have breakfast with Alex Garland this morning.  It’s not off the agenda.  Clearly everyone has woken up to the fact that an audience has found this movie and loves it.  It’s entirely possible, and if people want to see another installment then they should be vocal about that, because, it can happen.  The power of fandom can resurrect projects.  In fact, that’s what happened with Star Trek.  They weren’t going to do a third season until fans did a letter writing campaign and they continued that series.”

This petition hopes to be that letter-writing campaign. We want to show that there is indeed a serious fanbase as Mr. Urban described. A successful Dredd sequel is in everyone's interests, especially since DNA Films has a five-year option on the Dredd IP and a good sequel means that further stories can be explored and perhaps the entire Dredd movie series could end up rivaling Marvel's Avengers lineup in terms of popularity and demand. Dredd's popularity is also reflected in various fan films that are finding their way across the internet. One of the more popular ones is entitled "The Cursed Edge". The trailer was recently released on YouTube and this film in particular was directly inspired by Dredd 3D based on the costumes and designs seen within.

If it is funding that DNA needs to secure first before moving ahead with a sequel, perhaps it would behoove those in charge to perhaps reach out to other studios like Fox Searchlight Pictures. We're sure the people at DNA will recall collaborating with Fox Searchlight when the film Sunshine was being distributed. Fox Searchlight also specializes in the American distribution of independent and British films and as luck would have it, sometimes funds these films. Besides, even if Lionsgate is not interested in funding a sequel there must surely be a plethora of American studios who would be happy to step up, should they accept this petition's reasoning and move forward with a sequel.

The second reason is this. Obviously, you're wary of creating a sequel because again, the first film wasn't a smash-hit. But your risk ultimately paid off because once again, the film found an audience and it resonated well with them. Had you really felt that Dredd could not find an audience at all, it's likely the film would have never been made but clearly this was not the case. Given the first film's warm welcome after its theatrical run, combined with its high levels of sales in the home release market, a sequel could prove to be most fruitful with the right marketing campaign and the same cast behind the sequel.


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