Tyler Cooley Indiana 0

A Resolution Regarding Indiana State Super Delegates

66 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Tyler Cooley Indiana 0 Comments
66 people have signed. Add your voice!
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WHEREAS the Indiana State Democratic Primary is a democratic undertaking to determine the will of state party members when choosing the Indiana Democratic Party’s candidate for President of the United States; and

WHEREAS Indiana's super delegates represent 9% of our delegation that can vote their personal preference, rather than the will of the 637,521 Democratic primary participants; and

WHEREAS by committing prematurely before the National Convention, super delegates carry disproportionate weight; and

WHEREAS on May 7th, the Maine Democratic Party’s statewide convention passed a resolution to strongly urge that the votes of Maine’s super delegates reflect the state’s popular vote in 2016, and to require them to vote in 2020 as their state did; and

WHEREAS on May 14th, the Alaska Democratic Party's statewide convention passed a resolution to strongly urge that the votes of Alaska’s super delegates reflect the state’s popular vote in 2016, and to require them to vote in 2020 as their state did;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that We the Undersigned, urge our State Convention to request that our super delegates reflect the state’s popular vote in 2016 or issue statements of neutrality to the media until they vote at Convention; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that We the Undersigned, urge our State Convention to ask the DNC that, if there are to be super delegates in 2020, to revise the super delegate rules for 2020 to apply to super delegates the proportional voting that is the rule for the rest of the nominating process.

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