A request for unity
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

To call this a petition would be to place it too high in the ladder. However this method is an effective way of gathering those wishing to see a change in one forum.
Firstly allow me to say that I love my church. Not just my local church but the global Seventh Day Adventist church. As a body of people we have and do offer much to our world BUT there are issues that divide us. These issues should not continue to do so, to the extent that souls are lost because of them.
This request focuses on one such issue....Worship.
Psalm 22:3 "O Thou that inhabited the praises of Israel"....
.. 1 Corinthians 14:33 "For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints".
I was taught and believe that modern Israel refers to our church. As such it would be right to say that God inhabits our praise. Taking those two scriptures together I have to wonder if the current issue surrounding worship within our church is one that our God is pleased with?
I believe that there is a way forward that will allow all members of our Church to enjoy the worship experience of our BUC wide churches irrespective of gender, race, age or musical preference.
In order for this to be achieved we must talk freely, yet respectfully and in order.
This request therefore as signed by all those who have taken the time to do so is simple....
We are asking the leaders of our church in the BUC to call an open meeting for all those interested in helping to create a standard of worship acceptable to our God, to be utilised in our churches, which would be accessible to all those attending the churches in the BUC.
Created by Lady Sally-Ann Flemmings-Danquah