A reliable, resolution independent and built in title tool.

Dear Avid Technology, Inc.,
we, your customers, editors, film makers and enthusiasts demand a built in way to create titles. We need something that makes sure we can open our titles in years if not decades from now and are not willing to jump on some slapped on third party tool that may or may not stay free and supported in the years to come.
For any NLE on the market, the ability to create titles quickly and consistently over any amount of systems and program generations without having to worry about licensing and general availability of a certain tool by a third party is an absolute given. We can see no reason why it should be different for the industry leader.
Keep Titler Pro as an option, certainly, but give us the basic tool we need built into Media Composer.
The old title tool, as clunky as it is, works well enough for most of us. The least you can do is update it to support above 1920x1080 resolutions.
the people who made you the company you are