Ghana Must Step Up The Fight

19 September 2019
His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo
President of the Republic of Ghana
Dear Mr President,
RE: A Successful 6th Replenishment of the Global Fund is Critical to Defeating HIV, TB and Malaria
We, the Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN – Africa) are grateful for Ghana’s generous contributions to the Global Fund. We note with gratitude, your commitment towards the global goal to end the epidemics of HIV, TB and Malaria.
Ghana is a beneficiary of the Global Fund for HIV, TB and malaria. Since 2003, the Fund has disbursed resources to defeat the three diseases and for health systems strengthening.
As at the end of 2017, health programs supported by the Global Fund partnership had saved 27 million lives globally. This clearly makes the Global Fund one of the smartest investments contributing to SDG3 on the health and wellbeing of all.
This year, as the international community gathers in France in October, for the 6th replenishment of the Global Fund; and as we thank you for your unwavering support to the Fund, we ask that:
- Ghana increases its contribution to USD1,000,000 for the 6th replenishment of The Global Fund
- Your Excellency Sir attend The Global Fund replenishment conference in Lyons France on 9 October and speak about Ghana’s commitment and plans around increasing domestic resources for health.
These additional resources will enable us push harder to defeat the three diseases. This is as we urge Ghana to increase domestic allocation of resources for health, for sustainable financing.
According to the 6th Replenishment Investment Case 2019 of the Global Fund, the partnership aims to raise at least US$14 billion, which will help save 16 million lives, cut the mortality rate from HIV, TB and malaria by half, and build stronger health systems by 2023. A successful 6th replenishment will enable the Global Fund to continue leading the fight against HIV, TB and malaria and accelerating progress toward universal health coverage. A US$14 billion investment represents the minimum required to achieve the Global Fund strategy goals for 2017-2022 and get back on track toward ending the epidemics.
It is worth mentioning that, according to current data, the world is not on target to end the three epidemics and we will not meet 2030 targets without significant increases in funding:
- HIV is the leading global cause of early death among women ages 15–49 and causes over 5% of disability among adults ages 15–49.
- TB is the world’s most lethal infectious disease, with over 10 million new cases each year and an estimated 1.8 million deaths annually.
- Malaria infected an estimated 216 million people in 2016, killing 445,000 people, including 285,000 children under the age of five. Malaria remains a major killer of children, taking the life of a child every two minutes.
Your contribution will lead to a successful refill the Global Fund resource basket, will have a high impact on the sustainable control of the three diseases and contribute to achieving UHC as well as SDG3 on the health and wellbeing of all.
GFAN Africa advocates for health for all by recruiting, connecting and mobilizing advocates to communicate the urgent need for a fully funded Global Fund to maximize impact and save lives. We lead civil society and community efforts on Global Fund advocacy and domestic resource mobilization advocacy.
Yours Faithfully
Global Fund Advocates Network – Africa
Minister for Health
Minister for Finance
Chair, Parliamentary Committee on Health
Chair, Parliamentary Committee on Finance