A petition to stay "HOME"....

Your Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos,
We, Greek Orthodox Christian faithful of Saint Demetrios Church in Upper
Darby, Pennsylvania as well as faithful from the greater Philadelphia area,
write to you with respect yet at the same time with great concern.
We have been deeply saddened and troubled by the recent news of your decision to transfer the Very Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios Cottros from Saint Demetrios to Saints Peter and Paul Church in Frederick, Maryland. This decision has greatly shaken up the faithful at Saint Demetrios and many throughout Philadelphia area.
We understand that the different parishes of the New Jersey Metropolis have various needs and that you, Your Eminence, seek to ensure that those needs are met. Nevertheless, we kindly ask you to reconsider and reverse the decision to transfer Father Nektarios. This transfer would create many unnecessary problems for Saint Demetrios and the greater Philadelphia area.
Saint Demetrios has gone through its share of troubles in the recent past, but under Father Nektarios, the parish has been brought back to stability and has been progressing and growing. Father Nektarios has been a tremendous source of strength, inspiration, and guidance. He has become for the parishioners at Saint Demetrios a member of their families. He has become for so many families throughout Philadelphia, throughout his many years of ministry in the area among the Lord's flock, as one of their own. The bonds we share with him are deep and genuine.
Father Nektarios has been a wonderful role model and influence of living the life in Christ for the Philadelphia area. He has touched so many lives in such a positive way and has made the Church and its beauty accessible to us. Furthermore, Father Nektarios has done his best to ensure for the New Jersey Metropolis and for yourself, Your Eminence, a bedrock of support. The New Jersey Metropolis and you yourself, Your Eminence, have everything to gain by continuing to have Father Nektarios at Saint Demetrios.
Transferring Father Nektarios will cause many setbacks for the parishioners of Saint Demetrios. It will be damaging in particular to young people of the parish and the greater region. Father Nektarios has reached out to the youth of St. Demetrios since the parish was going through its troubles before his arrival. Yet, this is nothing new. Father has always been reaching out to our young people throughout Philadelphia and has brought the Church closer to them and, in turn, they have come closer to the Church. Furthermore, such a transfer will be damaging to your relationship with the faithful of Saint Demetrios and many of the Philadelphia area, we can see the repercussions that this transfer will create.
Having all this in mind and in our hearts, we send your our love, Your Eminence, and we beg you, humbly, to reconsider and reverse your decision and keep Father Nektarios at Saint Demetrios.
Reverencing Your Right Hand,
Faithful Orthodox Christians of St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church & the Greater Philadelphia Area.