A petition to remove Mayor Nikuyah Walker from Office in Charlottesville
we voted for her, we supported her, and we were very excited about a change in leadership on the city council, but she has not been a good influence on Charlottesville and we need new leadership. The recent posts on social media are embarrassing and divisive. At some point you have to wonder if she has some kind of mental health issue, much like the former President. It's a seeming inability to filter out what's appropriate and what's not. Its time for we the people to remove her from this position, and find an actual leader willing to make Charlottesville great again. We need 793 signatures on this petition to start the removal process. Lets get someone in office that supports us rather than making crazy statements on her personal social media accounts.
Note to Mayor Walker: We have been monitoring the fake signatures you have posted, signed below, and your comments. We have tracked your IP addresses. Shame on you for trying to defraud this petition.
And the follow up posts: https://twitter.com/NikuyahWalkerCC/status/1374781...
"Charlottesville: The beautiful-ugly it is. It rapes you, comforts you in its cum stained sheet and tells you to keep its secrets." Nikuyah Walker