A Petition to Reconsider the AP Final Exam Policy

As I'm sure almost all of you know, the new AP Final Exam policy requires students in AP classes to take and prepare for a final exam in addition to the AP Exam at the end of the year. This harms us as students in the following ways: a)Stress Additional, unexemptable exams put unnecessary stress on students during the end of the year (near APs) b)Less AP Exam Prep Preparing for a final in addition to the AP Exam at the end of the year will disrupt AP Exam prep. (Sure, we have to review the AP material for the final. However, instead of spending time re-learning the info indepth, review is cut short and is less comprehensive when there is a final before the AP) Rather than spending 4 weeks preparing for the AP exam, we must learn the same amount of information in less time to be prepared for our Final. c) APs are college courses Seeing as APs are technically classes we take to get college credit, shouldn't passing or failing the standardized test be the ultimate judge of whether or not we get credit? d) Unnecessary AP Finals wont incentivize Seniors to pay attention. Students who have been putting minimal effort into the course for an entire semester won't suddenly have a burning passion to learn all of the information they missed. Let their semester grade reflect their performance instead of requiring all students to take an exam.