A new investigation of 9/11

It has been nearly a dozen years since the attacks of 9/11/01. The 9/11 commission report was poorly funded ( at one tenth the cost of the Clinton/Lewinsky affair ), totally incomplete and incompetent to boot. The Bush administration did everything it could to block and stall the investigation, so much so that it took two years to begin the process. In the intervening years much more evidence has come to light. Many books haver been written about the terrorist attacks and are easily obtainable through your local library, bookstores, Amazon, Ebay and a variety of other sources. It has become abundantly clear to WE THE PEOPLE, whose signatures appear below, that justice cries out for a NEW, UNBIASED and COMPLETE investigation of 9/11 We wish to address vital questions such as why our air defenses were unresponsive to the hijacked airplanes that flew for two hours unchallenged. Which persons and companies benefitted from suspicious trades known as short sales on American Airlines and United Airlines directly before the attacks? This indicates foreknowledge of the tragedies. Why was thermite found in abundance at the site indicating a detonation scenario at the WTC? Nanothermite has also been found in the blood and lung tissue of the first responders. Why? Why were all the security cameras taken by the FBI near the Pentagon ? Show us what is on them if you wish to prove that Flight #77 really did impact the Pentagon. The perpetrators of 9/11 did not all die that day on those aircraft. We fear that there are criminals among us, walking around freely, some possibly still in the government. To expose these criminals and their crimes is the key to reversing the American peoples losses of our Constitutional rights and Sovereignty.