an episode or a movie focusing on katsuki bakugou
am i the only one who wants a movie/episode focusing on bakugou? i guess that there are a lot of bakufans out there, who want the same! if people think a movie is long, then what about an episode about bakugou? that's also nice right?
this is a petition for a movie focusing on bakugou - his daily activities, his deep thoughts, hobbies, his relationship with other characters, showing his development, and much more!
he's been the no. 1 on the popularity polls many times, yet there is a lot about him to be known. a movie where we can see his emotions, thoughts and feelings. to get to know him more. why he chose to be a hero, his character development, and his kind , soft side. also with awesome hero moves, fights etc.! it would also be nice to know about the bakugou family and their interactions.
sign this petition if u want an awesome movie!