A Chicken Coop for Kindy
Lutwyche Windsor Kindy 0

A Chicken Coop for Kindy

59 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Lutwyche Windsor Kindy 0 Comments
59 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Dear kindy community members,

Our kindergarten is preparing a submission for Kedron-Wavell Services Club Grants Program and would like to extend an opportunity for you to voice your support for this proposed project. We intend on applying for a grant of $5000 to fund an outdoor project aimed at delivering enhanced learning opportunities across the curriculum, particularly in oral language and numeracy: a chicken coop, pen and storage shed.

Our aim is to enrich current outdoor provisions in order to expand upon educational experiences and outcomes for children at our kindy. Research conducted by educational psychologists and leading educators, consistently advocate play-based, real-life learning experiences in the early years; Learning experiences which encourage children to explore, hypothesis, speculate, problem-solve, reflect, work co-operatively and communicate effectively.

So please, help us serve our local community with the enhanced outdoor provision of a chicken coop. Not only would it put smiles on children’s faces and joy in their hearts, it would stimulate their brains and evoke quality discussions. Something incredible for the students of today and those joining us in future.

Thank you for your support!

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