The time is now, for a CDC for the Japanese people
The Honorable Abe Shinzo
Prime Minster of Japan
Cabinet Secretariat
Government of Japan
1-6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8968
Dear Prime Minister Abe:
As you are aware, there are already more than 1 million confirmed cases of covid-19 in the world, and an untold number more who have gone without testing. Many of the signatories of this letter have family, friends and colleagues in Japan. As friends, scientists and medical professionals we respectfully request that you establish a Center for Disease Control as an ongoing and generously funded national institution in order to help mobilize the great expertise you have in Japan. Preparation and rapid response are key in containing infectious disease, and national and international level responses based on timely and expert opinion are of utmost importance, now and in the future. We hope your government will move rapidly in this direction.
Our hopes are with all in Japan at this time,