Call To Action: Domestic Violence, Cyberabuse and Stalking Victim Resource Reform

The domestic violence, cyberabuse and stalking victim support system is currently a self-regulated system that is broken. Victims face enormous obstacles when trying to find assistance, and often when they reach out for help, they are overly-referred, turned away or denied service, from agencies that don't offer 'direct services' to victims, but continue to receive the lion's share of government funding.
The most critical point in the victimization cycle is when a victim reaches out for help. Without proper access to much needed services, victims are often unable to escape or survive the cycle of violence.
Without help, Domestic Violence, Stalking and Cyberabuse victims are finding it necessary to ‘self-advocate’. While this may work for some, other victims that may be up against a psychologically aggressive perpetrator do need outside assistance from advocates that are trained to provide direct support to victims.
It is crucial that funding is reallocated to organizations that provide direct support to victims in order to prevent further violence, re-victimization and homicide.
There is a solution, but we need public support as we work to make a difference and enact change. Help us as we urge policy-makers to reform the current system and take stalking, cyberabuse and domestic violence victim resource reform seriously.
Please sign and share this petition, and if you would like to learn more, or get involved with our reform efforts please visit:
Survivors In Action, Inc. www.SurvivorsInAction.org
Alexis Moore www.AlexisMoore.com