The People of the State of West Virginia support Law Enforcement officers

We the citizens of the great state of West Virginia do hereby demand that West Virginia University, a public institution, asks for the immediate resignation of Meshea L. Poore, Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Her demand that W.P. Chedester , Chief of University Police resign from his position because he displayed a “thin blue line” flag in his own home, belies the very nature of her position and is completely counter to the concepts of “inclusion”, “diversity” and ”equity”. The so-called “Thin Blue Line” flag in no way represents racist ideals, anti-minority sentiments, or anything else other than support for people who do a very hard job every day. This line of thinking does NOT represent the thoughts or wishes of this state.
By signing this petition, you are telling Dr. E. Gordon Gee and the administration of West Virginia University that the state does not support the current “cancel culture” trend, nor will we stand for the infringement of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution