Chris Mills 0

Let junior basketballers return to training/matches now in Victoria!!

31 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Chris Mills 0 Comments
31 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Victoria's junior basketball players, coaches and parents urge the state government to let basketball matches and trainings resume in Victoria immediately in stadiums across the state.

We note the following:

1. According to Victorian Department of Health data, between April 28 and May 14 there have been 25 community transmissions found among 140,000 test results obtained. That means that 0.000179 of people tested for coronavirus are positive which indicates a very slow community spread - as Victoria's CHO Brett Sutton has himself said.

2. The country's leading infectious disease experts all say that children rarely get COVID-19 seriously and are rarely transmitters of the virus.

3. Resuming basketball will boost the physical and mental health of our junior players.

3. We are prepared to take precautions such as limiting spectators at matches, staggering matches, having separate entry/exit points at stadiums, having hand sanitizer available and requiring all those attending matches to either have the COVIDsafe app on their phones and/or provide names and contact details for contact tracing.

4. While basketball stadiums are indoors, they are huge hanger sized facilities and not at all the same of being in an indoor room in terms of the risk of infection.

Based on the above: we believe there is NO reason whatsoever to delay the reopening of junior basketball in Victoria. We urge the Victorian government to take immediate steps to allow our junior basketballers to return to their trainings and matches.

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