Support Funding for Riverport Bus
Liz Kennedy 0

Support Funding for Riverport Bus

23 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Liz Kennedy 0 Comments
23 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Councilman Rick Blackwell and other Councilmembers have supported the Riverport Circulator Service and were disappointed to hear that the CMAQ funds for this vital infrastructure need were not supported this year. These funds link thousands of our neighbors to TARC bus service in the Riverport Industrial Park. There is a possibility for additional CMAQ Funding available this year and if so, we want to make sure it is used to restore funding for this important service.

Please sign on to ask the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to restore funding for the Riverport Bus circulator. This petition will be forwarded to to Don Pasley, Commissioner of Department of Rural & Municipal Aid in the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. We also encourage you to contact him directly and have included a template letter that you can personalize and send on your business letterhead.

Please sign on and send your letters by next Friday, October 30!


Mr. Don Pasley
Commissioner, Department of Rural & Municipal Aid
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
200 Mero Street, 6th Floor East
Frankfort, KY 40622

Dear Mr. Pasley,

Thank you for considering the CMAQ application to fund public transportation that would link people to thousands of jobs at the Riverport industrial park in southwest Jefferson County. While we were disappointed the grant was not awarded, we recognize there are many well deserving projects and limited funding.

We believe so strongly in the need and benefits relating to the Riverport bus circulator service , however, that we want to respectfully ask for you to reconsider the project if additional CMAQ funds become available this year.

The project, which had extensive and diverse support from throughout the community, was Louisville Metro’s highest CMAQ priority. TARC has committed to continue the service if it is successful, and we are confident the TARC bus circulator service for Riverport will achieve the goal of connecting people to jobs and opportunity. The funding would provide much needed access to Riverport jobs and open up new opportunities, connecting Riverport with other TARC routes.

In addition to Riverport businesses, Louisville Metro Council members, public agencies and a faith-based community organization, CLOUT (Citizens of Louisville Organized and United Together) have voiced their support for the Riverport circulator service.

If additional CMAQ funding is available, we would greatly appreciate your consideration of the Riverport Circulator – Access to Jobs in Southwest Louisville Project.

Thank you.


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