Stop Discriminatory Airline Surfboard Baggage Fees!

Surfers travel the world over in search of waves. Like everyone else, surfers also travel for business, family and a variety of other leisure pursuits. Yet Delta Airlines has taken a position that makes a huge distinction: Travel with a surfboard and you will pay, and pay dearly. Direct from the Delta Airlines website, as of August 29, 2008 is the following: One item of surfing equipment is accepted as baggage for $175 (for travel within the United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico) and $300 (for travel outside the United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico). Simply put, traveling with 2 boards to a surf destination could cost you $1200 round trip, likely far in excess of the price of a seat on the very same plane. We are also keenly aware that on the very same web page, it is clear that golf bags, skis and snowboards travel free, clearly indicating that Delta is acting in a discriminatory manner towards surfers. Further, Delta stands in stark contrast with other airlines such as Qantas, JetBlue, Southwest and others which treat surfers traveling with surfboards fairly. We, the undersigned members of the surf community are united against these outrageous and discriminatory fees. We will use our collective voice through this petition and every other means necessary to let Delta and other airlines know that we will NOT fly Delta for ANY reason, business or pleasure, unless and until these discriminatory fees are changed.