A Star at the Walk of Fame for the New Kids on the Block

The former members of pop sensation New Kid's on the Block have been denied their Star on the HollyWood Walk Of Fame. This band was the first and only group since the Beatles phenomenon to have so much success and cause so much hyteria and gain the love and admiration of millions of fans across the world. Today pop music and this boyband craze is so over rated I don't understand how the New Kid's can be criticized, because they have paved the way for artists like BackStreet Boys and N'sync to name two. The public, the media, your average music lover and every soul who at one time agreed that the New Kid's were the biggest thing since sliced bread, will not even acknowledge them now. Radio stations and music channels laugh and smirk if fans just want them to play a song or video of one of their many hits that shot to number one and broke records! Today fans have to come together all around the world and send in request after request to get Mtv to play one of their videos. It's not like the fans are asking them to turn the station into NKOTB TV, although it would be nice. Just show some respect. Well New Kid's and their fans are definately still going strong because we were able to get "Hangin Tough" on Mtv. Then it was back to the same old videos. People seem to have forgotten in a short ten years, the incredible success and many wonderful things this band has accomplished not only as performers but as guys who were role models to kids. With their trend settings, positive message against drugs and as sponsers and supporters for countless charities and important causes they were ridiculed and laughed at for what Being successful The New Kid's on the Block were said to be puppets on a string and controlled by their founder Maurice Starr. The accusations and rumors were outrageous and made to bring them down, but why What this group endured as a band has now given all these pretty boy bands success that seems to be a smooth ride. And we are left with one question. The Beatles are well respected in the music industry and to almost anybody, so why did you ever compare the New Kid's on the Block to the Beatles Well it was a wonderful ten years and the fans want to reunite them not as a band, although it would be nice, but as a token of our love because we feel that they earned that star, and we want the world to be reminded of the five hardest working kids in showbiz everytime they walk down the HollyWood Walk Of Fame.