Isabelo Sumagui 0

Interest for the Traditional Latin Mass at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church

21 signers. Add your name now!
Isabelo Sumagui 0 Comments
21 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The following letter will be mailed to Father Whitman and those that are interested in the celebration of TLM at St. Paul the Apostle, are asked to sign this online petition in lieu of signing the paper copy of the letter. The online ipetition requests for the online signee to include his/her name with an email. In addition please include, in the comments section, the city in which you reside, age, and (if applicable) the number of souls you are representing. No need to share on any public outlet, but if you know anyone that may be interested, please send them the direct link. May God bless you all!

Dear Father Whitman,

I, and the undersigned parishioners of St. Paul the Apostle, would, first and foremost, like to express our gratitude towards your love for the Church, of which you serve so well. We are very blessed to have a Pastor that teaches with clarity and charity. Your love for the Bride of Christ is no secret.

The parishioners, who have undersigned this letter, in the form of an online petition software, broadly request for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in accordance with Pope (Emeritus) Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. There has been an interest for quite some time now and this letter is intended as an “official” inquiry from this group of interested parishioners. The growth of this Parish is obvious, and the richness of the two forms of the Roman Rite will be beneficial in many aspects.

We wish to see, 10 years after the Holy Father’s own initiative, the “growth and progress” of the Liturgy by the incorporation of the Usus Antiquior into the liturgical life at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church. A frequent weekly offering of the Traditional Latin Mass is desirable, but we understand that it is not realistic at the current moment. An occasional celebration(i.e once a month, once every few weeks) will be more than enough.

This unofficial and very-dispersed Latin Mass Society is, of course, ready to assist anytime in any way or form. We will be more than happy to contact priests that celebrate the Extraordinary Form and are willing to travel to Spartanburg. In addition to eliminating the problem of a possible celebrant, the beautiful architecture and ethos of the parish church guarantees no impediments to the celebration of the TLM. There are parishioners who are familiar with the Ceremonies of the EF and are ready to teach and train the young men that are eager to serve the Holy Sacrifice. If needed, the group may assist in acquiring the proper materials (like Low Mass vestments, 1962 Roman Missal, Altar Cards, etc.) necessary to celebrate the Mass.

It is our hope that the expressed interest in this epistolary note may be answered and/or addressed. We would like this letter to begin an open dialogue, so that we can discuss the opportunities and possibilities for the celebration of the TLM in our beautiful Parish. We would like to assure you, Father, that we will take charge of the coordination. We just ask for your consideration and approval. In short, by the grace of Almighty God, the parish is more than ready! We hope and ask that this letter finds itself in your prayers. Rest assured you are always in our prayers.

Yours in Christ,

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